1,000 Game Levels 2
1,000 Game Levels 2.iso
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Text File
69 lines
Vrsn Date Comments
1.00 09sep90 Initial release. Uploaded to CompuServe.
1.01 15jan91 Changes due to BUG FIXES
- If everyone is unconscious in a battle, you have lost it.
- Object list got trashed occasionally in DCWORLD.
- Phanthom "food" object at location 0,0 (same as above).
- Sometimes, screen filled with monsters and crashed.
- Occasional DISK I/O error when selling to a merchant.
- Better fonts for hi-res graphics.
- New spell ANALYZE gives info on magical items.
- New spell VIEW gives rough idea of surrounding areas.
- Expanded TEXT lines to 16 (from 4).
- Version number now part of each game. Program DCCNVT.EXE
will convert old games to new formats (as needed).
- Random monsters now vary in group size. Previously same
as number in the group.
- Merchants will only buy merchandize similar to what they
sell. (i.e. if they sell weapons and armor then they can
only buy weapons and armor).
- KILL spell now requires 20 power points.
- Better messages when talking to a merchant.
- Better default text for civilians and beggars.
- Use numbers (1-6) to select primary character (stats).
1.02 16feb91 Bugs Fixed
- Effect of rings and amulets was made permanent, even if
it was supposed to be temporary.
- When walking near the edge of the world, a random monster
might try to "appear" outside the world. Error message
"TRAP: X = ## Y = ## inserting object." would be printed
and the object inserted at position X=1, Y=1.
- When placing object's in a backpack, it was not possible
to insert a "person" character in a "quester's" pack.
1.30 15apr91 Bugs Fixed
- TDY graphics driver implemented. What was documented as
TDY was really MCGA. (My error). Driver should work fine
even in SSSLLLOOOWWW machines (I tested on a 1984, 4.77Mhz
Tandy PC).
- MGA graphics driver added. (MCGA 16 color 320x200 res).
- EGA high resolution driver (640x350 w/16 colors) dropped.
It offered no benefits over EGA Low Resolution (640x200
w/16 colors), and possed no end of support problems.
- Show GROUP summary information (select by pressing '0'),
or a specific character (select by pressing 1 through 6).
- MAYOR : Separated graphics block from element type. This
modification allows you to use different graphics blocks
to represent the same type of object.
staff previously was only a magic staff, but could now be
used as a "weapon" instead. See related items below.
- USER EXPANDABLE GRAPHICS: The graphics block builder is
now available (currently only by special request). You can
create your own LANDSCAPE, OBJECT or CHARACTER graphics.
You can also modify existing graphics blocks! The program
will make use of all defined graphics.
- MEMORY USAGE: Optimizes loading of graphics blocks into
memory. A new format for the graphics blocks files allows
the program to determine exactly how many "images" it has
to load without having to scan the file. This results in
faster loads and less memory.